Monday, January 30, 2012

Expanding Your Mind’s Abilities

As I was growing up, I was always taught that one’s natural abilities in regard to the mind were not normal, that they in fact, were of evil nature. It took me years (as you’ve read previously on this blog) for me to come to accept the fact that my mind, can, and will continue to do things that most people’s brains cannot.

I do not understand why uber religious folks can’t accept that the obvious gifts that the Almighty instilled in us are not the only things that the human mind can do. It was when I separated myself from mainstream religion and became a Deist, that I fully “allowed” myself to watch from afar the things I can do (and marvel at them). I will write about Deism later, but until then, you can visit deism dot com to learn more. If religion bothers you, but you still cannot separate yourself from the belief in the Almighty, then you are a Deist. Bet you didn’t know that!

Maybe my experience in self-realization is similar to yours. If so, I’d love to hear from you.

Very early in my life, the life of a small child, I would “see” things happening immediately before they did. It was always simple things like thinking about a song, and then my mom would sing it (which is actually telepathy) or the radio would play it (precog ability). As I aged into my tweens, I thought maybe I was making things happen and hoped that I didn’t make something happen that would be “bad.” By the time I was in my late teens and knew exactly what I was doing, I tried NOT to do it. Let me be the first to tell you, you can’t NOT make your mind work. It does not work that way. However, it does slow the progress of the evolvement of your abilities. After my kids were born as I was in my 20s, I started fully understanding how and why my mind was different.

One thing that stands out in my mind was when I was 28. My youngest child was 3, was well-spoken and quite bright for his age. I’d taken him, his 10 year old half brother and 8 year old half sister to a kids’ movie at the theater. On my way back, I was playing a children’s cassette tape in the tape deck and thinking to myself what to make for dinner (cuz who wants to drag 3 tired kids through a grocery store). It popped into my head that I  had everything at home to make spaghetti. So I thought that this is what I’d make, easy peazy. But just like that, my youngest, my 3 year old piped right up and said out loud, “But Mommy, I don’t like puzz-ketty!” I swear, it happened exactly like that. For a second I thought that I had spoken out loud until my 10 year old said something like, “Why did he say that?” I was dumbfounded. He “heard” me, and even pronounced spaghetti incorrectly. To this day, I don’t know if I “sent” to my child, or if my child is a “reader.” He is 24 now. He’s a very dynamic individual and frankly, I don’t think he’d even acknowledge if he is telepathic.

Another fun example of what a telepathic brain can do is something that happened one day recently at work. I came in and gave my coworker a little beaded angel that I had made for her. She seemed to really like it. As I was talking about how much fun they are to make, I told her how recently my four nieces had visited (all under the age of 14). One day, it was raining so to entertain them, I sat them down at the dining room table and we made beaded dolls from my beaded angel pattern. We had such a GREAT time and I was sitting there in my cubicle reminiscing out loud to my coworker; such a fond memory for me. That was around 11 in the morning. About an hour later, an email popped into my mail box from my nieces. And they attached a picture of them and their beaded dolls! O.M.G.! I know I sent them (unconsciously) my happy memory. They took my memory as an original thought and emailed me their picture. They live 3500 miles away from me. This is the first time I’ve “sent” at such a long distance.

For the last almost 8 years, I’ve been very close to a person. One thing that is consistent with us is that we always share thoughts. How do we know? I’ll say something and he says, “I was just thinking that.” And the vice versa happens too. We often call each other or text each other at the same time. We only live 13 miles from one another. While he is not my first telepathic experience, it’s a very homey and comforting experience to me.

It should never surprise one that gifts of telepathy and precog abilities exist. They are measurable electrical impulses that our brains send. Can we not read electrical brain waves by means of an EEG (electro-encephalogram)? They are real. They exist. Science has proven as much. If our brain is able to send out electrical charges in this way, it should not surprise one that other brains can pick up the charge. Naturally, it happens best when you are surrounded by people with a like mind. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was a believer and we all worked on our internal communication abilities?  The world would certainly be a different place. For sure.

I hope that you’ll be able to allow your mind to expand its abilities. It’s such a rewarding gift.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cosmic Nods, aka, "God Winks"

There is a book that a client lent me recently that described so-called God winks. Sometimes the notions that Christians have fascinate me so I read it. I suppose that it really shouldn’t surprise me that they would notice a phenomena that I’ve known about all along.

Have you ever noticed those strange little coincidences that seem to be showing you signs? Have you ever thought of a long-time friend that you’ve not seen in some time and then you run into them, or they email you out of the clear blue sky? Have you ever made a new acquaintance only do discover that their mom’s name is your mom’s name, or you have several kids with the same name, or maybe you even have the same birthday (and they go on to become one of your closest friends)? Have you ever noticed the power of coincidence? Yes, the universe holds many possibilities that we have not even considered yet.

Some of us call this synchronicity. This is not a Christian teaching. I call these coincidences, “Cosmic Nods.” But really, all religions teach so many things that are congruent. For instance, non-Christians like to say Karma is a bitch. And indeed she can be sometimes. Your grandma used to say, “What goes around comes around.” The Christian Bible says, “For whatever it is a man is sowing, he also shall reap.” See? Same thing, just expressed different ways.

I find it fascinating that they also have come to realized that synchronicity exists. By definition, it is: “The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Start to pay attention to these coincidences. When they happen, and you recognize it, you can be assured that your consciousness is accepting of the idea that minds relate to each other, and the relation is intricately structured in a very logical way.

Not too long ago, I started a new job well within the city limits of downtown Atlanta. If you know Atlanta, driving here is TOUGH. So I looked into the suburban transit system as an alternative and decided to use it. Now I’ve not taken a bus since I was a kid. When I got on, I was terrified. I sat down next to a gentleman and said hello. Then I took out my bus route map to study it and keep up with my location. He introduced himself and when he said his name is Patrick, my heart nearly STOPPED. Patrick is my BFF’s name too. So I knew, somehow, that my new friend Patrick would be very helpful. Indeed, he asked if this was my first time on the bus, where I worked, and showed me how to tell the driver that I needed to get off at the next stop (PUSH the RED button!). From there, he told me what I needed to do. And how in the world would I have known about the red button if someone hadn’t told me?? There is no directions for riding the bus. Sitting next to him, out of the other potential 50 or so riders, was a great coincidence.

My point? I noticed immediately that hearing “Patrick” come from his mouth was a sign. To this day, we still chat on the bus. He is a good friend.

A popular advertising catch phrase is, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” So true on so many levels. While they are referring to education, I refer you to the fact that our minds are connected. If and when you start to understand that and can use that to your benefit, the Universe will open up other gifts to you. Pay attention to these things. The rewards are huge!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Earthbounds and the Soul, What Are They? And Altered States

What happens when our bodies die?

Does something move on?

Where does it go?

Haven’t we been asking this stuff for years/decades/centuries? One thing that troubles me is that mainstream religions teach that good people die and go to heaven and bad people die and go to hell. It has been estimated that somewhere between 69 billion and 110 billion have populated the earth over the time of earth’s history. Of course, that is all relative to how long the earth has been here, how long people have existed, and so on. But that is not the point I’m driving towards. My point is… there must be a LOT of people in heaven and hell if what the religions teach is true. So…. What are they doing?

I’ve been informally polling people for a long time. No one has ever related a story to me about someone they know leaving heaven and coming to the earthly realm to talk to them. So the logical conclusion is either one of two things: no one is allowed to leave if they get there OR very few go there in the first place. The Almighty’s Bible never mentions any quote at all that people instantly go to heaven at death. I’ve read it cover to cover several times. I can see there are scriptures that seem to indicate that but reading them with logic & rationality (and it seems that people misread and misapply a lot) shows that is not what they are saying. Genesis talks about a time when God created the angels. Then He was done with that and moved on to the next task. So logically, there is a fixed number of angels. If you use John 14:3 where Jesus says, “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you may also be where I am” -  it actually says, I WILL COME BACK and take you with me. Most religions teach that he hasn’t come back yet. So what happens then? Everyone SAYS they want to go to heaven but no one wants to die to get there. Funny, eh? On a personal note, I’d like to stay. I like it here.

Another thing: Eccl. 12:7, “For then the dust will return to the earth, and the spirit will return to God who gave it.” That doesn’t say ANGEL, does it? It says spirit. God created his angels so we know they exist in a finite number, but what about this thing called “spirit?” Are religious people making erroneous assumptions about our spirit?

I’ve had a few experiences in my time that indicate that the soul and spirit are the same thing. I’ve also experienced some things that tell us that the soul/spirit/life force/life energy don’t necessarily have to leave. What???

If you haven’t read it yet, read my blog post of 1/23/2012, especially about Katrina and why she is earthbound. She is here and visits the areas around my home. Her family owned and lived in the area some 200 years ago. She made it a point to visit a friend of mine who can “hear” them. My friend reported back what she said to me. I am not so gifted so I can’t “hear” what she wanted to tell me. Yes, Katrina is earthbound. She likes it here. She is not (for now anyway) leaving.

I’ve never had the ability to see energy fields or energy balls. I photograph them on occasion however. So I’ve seen them in that respect. But it wasn’t until recently that a new door opened for me, probably because I’m receptive to it. (Let that be a lesson to you. If you are receptive, they will come to you.) A couple years ago, I was in a rough place and just pretty much had had it with men in general. My boss was pretty understanding and as a gift, she gave me a gift certificate for a 90 minutes session with a reflexologist (who I suspect was also a touch healer). I put it off for several months but it just seemed like I was not healing on my own so I thought if anything, she would help me relax. She had scheduled me a private, late Sunday visit. So there was no one there and it was pretty quiet. She asked pretty pointedly what I needed to heal or repair. Hmm? Well, I told her, I had some holes in my precog abilities which is strange cuz usually they are out of control  when I’m feeling internal discord. And I told her why I was messed up inside. So it was decided what modalities she would concentrate on (bottom of feet, the emotion areas of the ear, specifically overwhelmedness, vision, heart, fear, anger, hate, bearing burdens, rejection, *yeah, I know that’s a lot* and hot stones to the upper back). She started at my ears and behind them.

What I didn’t know is that her work would open the veil between the physical world and the world where spirits in our earthly realm hang out.  Indeed, I entered into an altered state of consciousness. The session was 90 minutes. I was “out” in about 5 and stayed unconscious until she gently woke me by working on my feet. And I was stunned at what I saw and it seemed like I was out only a few seconds.

The first person that realized I could see him was a comical guy. He wore a HUGE grin on his face and a hat on his head. At first, he snuck up from the bottom part of my line of vision and sort of peeked at me. Then he popped in again sporting a happy face. He fled fast, but laughing all the way. I was, well, shocked. I could still tell the practitioner was working around my ears but I was totally ‘not there’ while she did it. Very soon, from the right hand side of my field of vision appeared three young people, I’d say under the age of 20. They were related and all looked very much of the same family. They were probably of Polynesian descent with a lovely skin tone and black hair. They apparently did not know that I could see them and when they realized it, they were frightened and left immediately from the direction they came; I had the impression that they had not been departed long and they were feeling skittish. And my final experience was absolutely hands-down the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I found the Waiting Room. Well that is what I call it.

I seemed to be wandering around rather fluidly. In fact, my essence left my body and went straight through the actual waiting room of the facility. And right there, under a huge tree, a REAL ONE in the courtyard of the office park where I was, I could see it. I had passed through an area that looked like a set of stairs, moving from one side, underneath them, and then through the other side. The colors were gone there. (As I write this, I remember this important fact.) And all around the four walls of this room, people were waiting. They were dead quiet but restful. When I entered, they slowly turned their ethereal heads to look at me. Then they turned back to the nothing they were looking at. And I was overcome with the feeling that they were waiting for something. Because of where I was, I actually knew what they were waiting for since all knowledge was common. Let me explain.

You know how when an elderly couple who have been married since they were teenagers die within days/months of each other? There is a reason for that. As you spend time with someone, some of your essence, your spirit, your soul merges with the other. One simply cannot live without the other. That is why they can finish each other’s sentences and know what the other is thinking. When one dies, part of the other dies and they cannot go on living. So they tend to depart close in time. That is why some of these spirits were in the Waiting Room. They were waiting for their other half to depart and join them; some had other reasons for waiting. I marveled that I was given that information. Indeed, I feel privileged to be able to share that with my readers. They were not sad. They were not happy. They had no emotions. They were just waiting.

My most recent experience actually starts some years ago. A couple nights before a former fiancé’s father passed away, he called me out of the clear blue sky. He was a man of few words and that he called me was interesting in itself. He asked me a few pointed questions, but they were for me, and I’ve not betrayed his confidence to this day. And then he passed away a couple days later. Here it is 8 years later and he’s come back for a visit. Yes, I kid you not. It is as if he’s discovered that my new door has been opened and he decided to say hello; actually, he had a message. I had been waking up every morning about 4:15 for about a week, then I’d fade back into slumber. One morning, as I was fading, he entered my thoughts. He said not one word, but that is par for the course for him as he spoke few words before he left. He showed me a house. I thought it was in Florida for some reason though he passed away in Texas. The house was darkly veiled even though the paint was light in color, it had a few trees, and very few other details were afforded me. So I asked him what year it was and the funny thing is that it was a year after he departed. How did he show me without words? He showed me the car my son was driving at the time! I wanted to know what he was trying to tell me but we didn’t get any further than that but I was struck with the feeling that I needed to let his son, my former fiancé know what his dad had shown me.

I knew from previous experience that he was not in the Waiting Room. I could tell he is more like Katrina, earthbound. I am not sure where he is, but I still feel like it’s Florida. Being a natural intuit, all these pieces of information were given to me without words. Now get ready for the chill bumps.

It took me a couple months before I got the courage to call his son to tell him, after all, he’d left ME for another woman. I told him simply how my abilities had changed and grown since we were together (though he was a huge believer then and seemed to largely respect that about me) and that some new things had been revealed to me. I took a deep breath and told him where his dad is, that he’s earthbound, he’s happy, he has not been given a job to do, he’s no one’s “guardian”, and that I was simply instructed to tell him that. I had no other reason for the message. It was just as simple as that.

My former fiancé, his son, wasn’t shocked at all. In his former house in Florida that he took after marrying someone else, at times smelled of cigarette smoke, but only in one room. Before he passed, his father was a heavy smoker. His son told me that not he, nor his ex-wife had ever smoked in the house, but then the smell would be gone as soon as it came. It seems he’d been visiting that house while his son lived there and well, it seems he likes it there, cuz that is what he had me show his son.

So what is the point of all this? Souls merge sometimes. That is what energy can do. Some don’t want to leave. Some stay earthbound. Where does the energy of the soul go after death? Well energy continues to exist. It has to go somewhere. And it shouldn’t surprise anyone that the energy of two souls can merge. After all, they wait for each other when one leaves. They MUST be together.

What is for sure is that going to heaven isn’t some religious thinker’s requirement. No one has come back to tell us all about it.

My theory in regard to the so-called soul is that it’s simply the energy force behind the life within a solid body. And from all appearances, it goes on. If it even goes to heaven, it’s not as an angel. There is simply no evidence of that.

And perhaps we aren’t supposed to completely understand what happens to our energy. If we did, we’d probably have full knowledge of it already, but we don’t, even after all these centuries. However, it does seem that the Earthbounds would like to say “Hi” every now and then.

The fact is, it's never really over.

Sitting on the bus for a total of one hour every day leaves me with a lot of moments for contemplation. But then, this topic has been on my mind for much for the last two years anyway so maybe that is why I can't get it out of my head. I've tried to come to a resonable conclusion about why we, both men & women, need to and sometimes don't, find that thing called closure. Why exactly do we think we must have it?

Let's talk about the soul first, because I know that has something to with it. Whether you feel it is a soul, a life force, or one's natural energy, when we leave for eternity, that energy that causes us to be (to exist) has to go somewhere; energy is just what it is, a force that continues in some way, somewhere. It is everywhere and it is what makes us solid. One of Einstein's great insights was to realize that matter and energy are really different forms of the same thing. Matter can be turned into energy, and energy into matter.

See? It really is all very scientific. When you are "with" someone, I have come to this fact: part of you does indeed permanently join with the other person. What part? And when it is over, does one actually find that cliche' "closure" that everyone talks about? No, we do not. Not completely anyway. It is impossible.

Just follow this line of reasoning here and you may agree with these reasonable conclusions.

1. We SING songs, WRITE songs, LISTEN to songs about this topic all the time! The singer laments that a little piece of her heart left with him. Or the singer may convey words that some small part of his soul now belongs to her and always will. If this isn't naturally deep-seated in us anyway, then why do we continually and subconciously continue to sing that this happens? Does the door ever really close?

2. That may be the key word here: subconciously. Somewhere deep into our untapped psyches, we know that some small piece of us remains with the person(s) that we were with. We never really leave. The door can't totally close.

3. The most telling piece of evidence to me is that when an elderly person passes away who has been with the same one and only mate since late childhood, his or her mate generally follows in death pretty quickly afterwards. For some reason, we are never surprised by this (it is because we really do know why). It's like down deep (subconciously) we know that their life forces, their souls, their energies have merged together. When one leaves, the other does too. They are so wrapped up and enclosed in the other person's psyche, they can't stay here without the other. It is the only way he or she can get "closure."

The fact is, men are effected in the same way, just as women are. My experience has been that years after it's "over" I continue to hear from them often. Wait? Wasn't there closure? Maybe not. Maybe some small piece of the person merged with the other and they can't help but be even a little bit drawn back, like their soul, life force, energy is seeking that part that "got away." In the end, yes, you may feel negative feelings toward him (or her) for what he did to you. They can be hate (because of the nature of what he did), disgust (because of the way he did it), loathing (because of the way events transpired right before your very eyes), and even a little longing (to get back that little piece that was cut away from you). But that is only because a small part of your literal soul is still entertwined with the other's soul.

And for me, and perhaps you, just like the song says, "for me, it isn't over." And knowing what we know about our life energy, it never will be.

That's something to think about isn't it? For every person you've loved, you have left a small part of your life's energy with him or her. And you can never get it back. The door is still partially open. And it's never really "over."

So if you are one of those that has had plenty of significant others, remember this. Every time you break it off, part of you leaves forever, never to be retreived.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Living… In A Spirited Word

I had a boss who was my age and she was a believer. I didn’t know that when she hired me, but as I’ve mentioned on this blog before, I seem to attract people in my world who are like me so it came as no surprise. Jackie had a ghost in her home once. I really dislike that word, ghost. It has negative connotations and people are usually quick to assume that something bad is associated with the word. That is probably because there really are evil entities. The Almighty’s Bible talks about demons as being real. And really, do we have any reason to believe they don’t exist? There are cave drawings and ancient artworks found in Asia and Europe that depict some pretty evil looking beings. So until otherwise proven, I will conclude that many evil entities may indeed be demons. If He created angels, and some of them fell (as is described), then yes, they certainly must be here too.

But back to Jackie’s ghost. Let me set this straight right now. I prefer the word “earthbound.” I love that one of her friends is a Shaman and had the ability to define who and what was living in Jackie’s house. She was able to help her remove the person from her home. Seems like the entity was a bit playful and let his or her presence be known. Apparently, he or she needed to find a new place to visit.

I have a visitor too. Her name is Katrina. Now how do I know her name, you ask? Well, I sold some items to a collector once and she is quite gifted. Her Universal gifts are many, so I won’t get into them. Turns out when she opened the box of collectibles, she knew they came from someone like me. (Surprised? Don’t be. Again, I attract like-minded people to me, and trust me, there ARE a lot of us!) So an email conversation ensued and we made many discoveries about each other. Some time later, the entity that visits me went to see my new friend, several states away and told her about me and about herself. Katrina, it turns out (and I didn’t know her name until then, though I always sensed she was female), was quite taken with me when I moved into the house in 2000. Yeah, she likes me. It seems her family owned most of the acreage in my neighborhood some 200 years ago. Her husband was abusive and she did not receive relief from her situation until he departed. Only then did she enjoy her life. Apparently, she liked it here enough to just STAY after her body gave out. Now, she goes around visiting the people that live on her former property. Yep, I have pictures. She appears as a small translucent orb and sometimes, she likes my guests. She will appear over and over again every time I take a picture of that guest. It’s kind of humorous. I like to think that she visits to live vicariously through the people she is sitting with. Oh, if only my neighbors knew! I've always wondered if they do.

Katrina likes me cuz we are similar. I was married to someone who was verbally abusive. Verbal abuse is very insidious and undermining to one’s psyche. It’s just as hard to get out of that sort of relationship as it is to get out of a physically abusive relationship. I think Katrina recognized my relief at being newly single and on my own and therefore, likes to visit often. No, she doesn’t live there. My new gifted friend was able to tell me that too.

How do you see an entity? Mostly, you don’t. Your mind sort of has to work that way. In 2000, when I bought the house, I was one that used to believe that they must have existed but I’d never had any experience with one. It wasn’t until I kept seeing the same orb in all of my pictures that I began to wonder who it was. One time, she brought a lot of friends... to my bedroom. The picture showed them everywhere! It was kind of cool. Well, I guess they were her friends. Or perhaps orbs, or energy balls, just feel at home on my property and have no problem popping in to see what’s up in the neighborhood! Katrina made it a point to visit the aforementioned friend (who lives in Kansas) so that she could let me know she was there. (c:

There is one more energy field that I’ve experienced. At first, I had no idea if I was seeing things or not. I came home from work, deactivated the alarm, got my dog out of her kennel to take a potty break and then I caught it out of the corner of my eye, right there in the kitchen. It was a very faint, oblong bluish green haze, just hovering. I blinked and it was still there. Trust me when I say it was very faint. I took the dog outside and it came with us. And then it came back in with us. I wasn’t disturbed, but I was curious. So I emailed my new gifted friend and described it to her. She said it is probably a divinity of some sort, perhaps an angel. An angel???? The same aforementioned Bible talks about beings that the Almighty actually created. The created angels. Oftentimes, they were described as being given jobs to do. If this is to be believed (and I have no reason not to since other spirit beings hang out at my house) then perhaps he was just passing through since I’ve never seen him since.

It was a very nice 15 to 20 minute visit. Very calming. Even Jinx, my Chihuahua, was pretty calm and laid back during the visit. And normally when I get home, she is nothing like “calm.” I still don’t know exactly why I could see it. But still, there he was.

I’ve had some experiences in my life that help me understand that not everyone who dies instantly becomes an angel. And in fact, there really isn’t much evidence that they actually do. Evidence tells us of many other eventualities. And none of my visitors have said to me that they left the heavenly realm to come back to earth. So I’m a little leery of that notion. In fact, I’m still looking for SOLID evidence that humans attain what the created angels have when they depart. I am pretty sure that God CREATED angels and that the number of created angels is fixed. My next blog will be about Earthbounds and what happens to one’s soul when they depart. I’ve been where some of them go. Yes indeed, I KNOW.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

A Prayer for the Rest of Us

Soon you will come to find out that I am a Deist. Google it. Until I write about what that is, here is a nice prayer for the rest of us.

The Lord's Prayer," as translated by Saadi Neil Douglas-Klotz from the original Aramaic spoken by Jesus:

"O Thou, from whom comes the breath of life,
which is present in all realms of vibration and light.
Let thy light/sound be experienced in my own ‘holy of holies.’
Let your ideals and counsel rule.
Let your desire be, as in the universe, so in all forms.
Give us understanding and support for our needs from day to day.
Loose the cords of mistakes binding us, as we release the strands we hold of others’ mistakes.
Do not let surface things delude us,
But free us from what holds us back from our true purpose.
To you belongs the ruling will, the life and power to do,the song which beautifies all,from age to age it renews.
Amen (Sealed in trust and faith.)"

Life Travels in Circles

The Moon. Energy orbs. Swirly shapes. Circular art. I can’t help it; I’m attracted to things that are circular. I always have been. When I was very young and didn’t understand, as we traveled in the car at night, the moon appeared to me to be following me home. Obviously, at that age, I was completely unaware of the movements of the celestial bodies. But sometimes when you are riding at night, gaze at her. Imagine that she is following you and you will see what I thought. That is where my attraction to round things was realized.

I’ve also noticed that life travels in circles. We frequently find ourselves reminded of something that we don’t actually remember. Or we meet someone that you come to find out has been “with you” all along but you never knew it. For example, my BFF and I have known each other for almost 8 years. Funny thing is that when we started really talking, we found out that 30 years ago, we worked nearly next door to each other but neither lived in that township, drank at the same bar after work, went to the same places, did the same things, and then finally, one day, our circles collided and we met when we were in our 40s. Crazy ain’t it?

I suppose that really shouldn’t be surprising. Isn’t the Universe circular? Our solar system? Our globe? Our moon? Stop and take a moment to look how life is so circular. How many times have you just “run into” someone you’ve not seen for years? Or someone you work with went to the same obscure college that you did but didn’t actually know them (you just recognized them). Yep, they have circled back to you. Or you’re driving along and you see a car you drove as a teenager, STILL GOING, looking a little worse for the wear, but the strange thing is that you sold it on the other side of the state, 8 years ago! Or even perhaps one of your Facebook friends is a friend of someone you went to grade school with on the opposite coast. Really, I could go on and on. I hear stories like this all the time.

It is an interesting phenomenon, one that I don’t totally understand. It’s just something I noticed. Maybe it’s just a little nod from the Universe to let me know she’s there. (c:

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Gift of Intuition

Generally, a young child sees things exactly as they are. They, for the most part, have no preconceived notions or ideas.

When I was very young, 8 or 9, I started noticing patterns in occurrences surrounding me. For awhile, I thought that I was making things happen cuz I’d “see” it in my head and then seconds later, the event would occur. These weren’t major events. These were simple things like knowing a train was coming and we should get the family car over the tracks sooner than later cuz we’d be late for our destination, or what song was coming on the radio next. These were just some of my childhood foresights.

Apparently, I’ve been a rather strong intuit since I was young. The only problem was that it was squelched pretty early too, so I didn’t get the opportunity to exercise my gift as early as I should have. Instead of accepting that some gifts (like things that the mind is capable of), some Christian groups are too quick to deride these things as belonging to the Devil. Really? How then, can they explain that sometimes an innocent child can do these things? Or that they have premonitions right in the middle of God’s “sanctuary” where in theory, they should be protected from the machinations of the Devil? To this day, I’ve never met a Satan worshipper who is a precog. One would assume that their covens would be loaded with people like me if these Universal gifts were from the Devil. I was a child of extreme Christianity, so it was inculcated in me early to push such “unnatural” ability away. I NEVER told anyone what I could do.

Because of these unfounded teachings, many Christians with natural abilities push them away and won’t allow the natural flow of brain activity to function. As it stands, people that know about these things and accept them as reality, actually recognize premonitions for what they are and not simple coincidences. In recent years, I personally see more so-called coincidences for what they really are, and that is because as I age, my mind it more in tune with my brain’s activities. It’s somewhat like a muscle, the more you use it, the more proficient you become. But my point is, if people were “allowed” to accept such gifts, we’d probably have more people who are functioning telepaths and precogs. Only then would we all be able enjoy using our abilities out in the open.

They say that we only use 1/10 of 1% of our brain. That is indeed a very small amount. I would wager that our brain is quite capable of using itself to do more than it thinks it can. Why is that? Perhaps our social evolution hasn’t allowed us to get to that point yet (because some us use our capability, but we don’t freely share it with the mainstream populace). Or perhaps our Almighty does not think we have reached the stage of humanity that can handle such a gift. Still, some of us have it, and we can use it, albeit in a limited way. I WISH that I had more ability. But I am limited. Maybe I’ve not been gifted with more since I have no real need for it at this time. All I can say, is that my intuitions have grown in capacity and number the older I get.

For instance, several years ago, I put on my running shoes, stepped outside to stretch my legs and as I bent over, my mind’s eye saw a small child with very dark hair, wearing white. But that is all. Over the years, so many random images pop into my head that most come and go with me barely noticing (because I cannot tell the difference between a vision or if someone else’s thought, in my vicinity, has reached me). This day was no different, the vision came…and went. I ran to the library (1.3 miles) then turned around to come home. As I started up a hill near my home, I looked up to see a small Asian girl, white shirt and shorts and tennis shoes standing in the road (of 40 MPH). She may have been 2 ½ -3 years old. In split seconds, I heard a car coming up fast behind me, looked to see no traffic coming towards me, looked over my shoulder to see who was coming (it was a sporty white car, coming way too fast), started sprinting across the road, and waving my arms for the driver to slow down. As I grabbed up the little girl, I notice another little one, also in white, perhaps a year younger, standing near the mailbox holding a baby bottle. I scooped her up too. All of this happened in time to feel the breeze that the car created blowing my long hair around my face. Whew. (And yes, I gave the mom an earful when I deposited her two children at her front door.) I sobbed all the way home from the shock of it all. Sometimes I think my brain prepared me for this occurrence by showing it to me 45 minutes earlier. There is no other explanation.

When I worked at a healthcare system, I walked into the break room one day to specifically get something out of the refrigerator. Instead, I walked right up to the coffee maker to make a fresh pot. About one second after I thought to myself, “Why are you doing this? You didn’t want coffee.” our CEO, a rather exacting man who knew what he wanted when he wanted it, walked in and said, “Oh good, when that is finished brewing would you bring me a fresh cup, black?” I guess I saw that he needed fresh coffee before he told me his did.

Recently, while driving home from the bus station, I saw (in my head) a fair-colored dog running up beside the road towards me. As soon as I drove around a curve, there he was, happily trotting a consistent gait as if he knew exactly where he was going and for some reason, I could tell. Being an animal lover I slowed up to see if I needed to get him and help him find his home. However, he stopped, looked both ways, crossed the street, and continued down a driveway as if he knew exactly where to go. I’ve seen him since. He stands at the end of his driveway often, just watching the world go by, seeming almost human. The point? I saw him before I saw him.

And so it goes. This is what I do.

This talent comes in handy when one is driving a bit too fast on the expressway, and believe me, I’ve used it. I generally know where police cars are before I get there. But alas, I can’t turn it on and off with some sort of cerebral switch. Some days I do. Some days I don’t.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mystic Pizza

Don’t laugh. For some reason, the term “pizza” always get the attention of my telepathic brain receptors.

A few years ago, I worked for a major hospital system, serving as an executive assistant on the Executive Team. It was a great job where I learned a lot. I also learned that I am apparently telepathic, but just as much as a sender (sending pictures, ideas, notions) as a receiver (“hearing” others thoughts). Let me share an experience with you. It’s sort of humorous but it was the day that I discovered that I send.

On the right side of that hall, all of the exec assts sat in partitioned cubicles with no doors. We literally could hear each other’s conversations, we could talk to each other over the tops of the cubes, and hear just about everything going on. One day, my sig-o and I were emailing back and forth about what kind of dinner we’d go out and get later that day. Eventually the emails turned towards pizza. It was decided, we’d go out for pizza and beer. Mind you, writing and reading emails is not an audible activity, save for the tapping of the keyboard keys. About 20 minutes into this email conversation, my cube neighbor Glenda pipes up, “Do you smell pizza?” My heart skipped a beat! How did she know? It was 4 in the afternoon and NO ONE would be cooking or warming up lunch. At first, I thought she must have telepathic tendencies. But she’d never done that before during the previous years. After a few months, I discovered that I’m a sender and it wasn’t Glenda's doing. Cool, eh?

I recently started a new job in a tall building in downtown Atlanta. After a couple of months spent getting to know my new teammates, I walked in one morning and starting thinking “pizza.” At some point mid-morning, I decided I was craving it and mentioned to Jeanne that I was going to have to get pizza for lunch cuz I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About an hour later, one of the leaders here mentioned that he’d decided earlier that morning that he was going to treat us all to pizza and charge the expense to one of our clients (a working lunch, that is). Jeanne and I looked at each other and she just knew. She wondered out loud how everyone was having pizza thoughts. I had to tell her what I am, and apparently I picked up on his “pizza” thought as soon as I walked in that morning. She laughed out loud and said that the team would have to watch their thoughts from now on, what with having a telepath in the office. (Wow! A believer! Have I mentioned that I attract people like me, to me?)

The thing that I have a hard time with is random thoughts. I pick up on all sorts of crap. I used to wonder, “Wow, where did that come from?” Now that I get it, I usually brush off a lot of junk as a thought belonging to someone else (“Man that hamburger at lunch gave me heartburn. Not eating there again.”Huh?? Who said that?) . I read books while commuting on the bus to keep my mind busy so I don’t have to “listen” to everyone. It’s kind of a weird existence.

Say, did someone say Pizza????

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Daughter of the Earth

The title “Daughter of the Earth,” has usually been bestowed upon a Native American woman. And I totally agree that Native Americans are closer to the so-called Earth Religions and most of the general population of earth-dwellers.

But in reality, are we all not members of the human family? If they are the Daughters, and I am related by merit of being a fellow earth-dweller, AND I understand the Universe’s influence on the Earth, then I too can consider myself a daughter.

I like this title. For years, I have not cared so much for the influence of mainstream religion on its adherents. Sometimes, they stir up such hatred and their followers jump on board with it, as history has shown. I just don’t understand this mentality. I have read the Christian bible. I see in the Old Testament that there was indeed a lot of racism, intolerance, and hatred. Could that be why “some” that adhere to Christianity allow themselves to act out like this? Even though I believe that Jesus Christ existed, he didn’t teach his people to behave like this (even secular, non-religious writings impress this upon us). So since they choose to misbehave, I choose not to bear their title of Christian. Somehow, they lost track of his message of love and peace. The very definition of “Christian” is to be a follower of Christ. Some of them do not do a very good job. So, for me, I shall be a Daughter of the Earth.

So what does this title mean? It simply means to understand the influence that is held over the Earth, by its mother, the Universe. I’m not talking about the physical influence as defined by teachers and students of Physics. They assume that the expansion of the universe is a given fact, as most scientists do. However, I am talking about things that effect us that are not measurable, things unseen. Things like:

The elements
The spirit
Karma (Christians call this Reaping What You Sow, Grandmother calls it What Goes Around Comes Around)
Reading the electrical impulses radiating off of the brain’s of others in your vicinity
Sending your own thoughts as electrical impulses
Recognizing earthbound entities who have something to do… or say… or don’t want to leave
Knowing what a soul is (you may be surprised cuz I KNOW)
Knowing that coincidences are actually a pretty rare occurrence
Life traveling in circles
Being drawn to a like mind

So you may ask, if I believe that the Universe is Earth’s mother, do I believe it had a father? Indeed I do. Do I believe in the Almighty? Yes. But it is without the influence of man-made religion, so much of it being steeped in falsehoods and strange mythologies. My knowledge of Him is absolute and as the Extreme Deity. Some day, I will write about Deism and what it means.

Once you have done even minor research, you will see that it makes so much sense. It is easy to understand. And it makes it so much easier to be a member of Mankind, with a broader, fuller understanding of your responsibility to be a citizen of Earth.

Me? I am also a Daughter of the Earth.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mystic Tendencies

I grew up in a major Christian religion where what I was, and am still, was vehemently not allowed.

I came to realize at a very early age that there was something a little different about me. I remember thinking that I caused things to happen, and that was somewhere around the age of 8 or 9. It wasn’t until I was in my early teens that I had, as the popular term was, ESP (extra-sensory perception). Now my peers just call me a Seer. Thankfully, the term ESP fell out of popularity.

The trouble was, I thought that my gifts were from the Devil. It had been indoctrinated in me at a very early age that I could not, and should not, be able to tell what was going to happen shortly before it did. But no one could explain to me how I could have a premonition in a so-called sanctuary of God and still be of the Devil.

But then, prudence kept me from even asking that question. I didn’t want to get kicked out on my ass cuz all my friends were part of that organization.

And then life just went on, and I ignored it. I called what I do simple coincidences. I guess I thought that coincidences were just a common occurrence for me. But 20 plus times a day?? I’m not sure how I explained it away. Perhaps it was because I married young and I was a busy girl, and though I didn’t plan on it, I had three small children by the time I was 25. So I became immersed in loving them, raising them, and directing them in the way of the Lord. Yet I could barely deny what I am. At the age of 35, my verbally abusive husband had just about run me into the ground. It was strange, but the more emotional I became, the more my visions increased. I kind of thought I was going crazy. My weight dropped significantly. Within the next two years, I wanted to seek professional help for the both of us. He would have nothing to do with it, stating that it was ME who was the problem. So at 37, I left, with my kids, my cat, my bird, my collections, my clothes and my existance. My kids were 19, almost 17, and 12 years old.

It wasn’t long after that, that I discovered I had had thyroid cancer for a number of years. Thankfully, it was the slowest growing variety, but without getting too detailed, I nearly lost my life… I came THAT close to metastasis. Only after that, did I come to terms with the fact that religion had nothing to do with saving ME from the life circumstances that surrounded me.


Emotional weight loss


Raising my children successfully

So once I shed those ties that bound me, I found that I could fully accept the gifts that the Universe had laid upon me. The first gift, that of being a Seer, grew exponentially after that.

It was ME who saved ME (probably with a little help from the Universe).

My eyes are completely open and clear now. I can thank a couple of very good friends who have steered me along the way. Oddly, I seem to attract people to me, who are like me; when they find me, they support me. And I’ve discovered that I’m not just a Seer, I’m telepathic, I have some latent ability to enter altered states where earthbounds can communicate with me (more on that later), and I have an earthbound that visits me on the property that I live on. Wait till I tell you THAT story.

This blog will be about my metamorphosis into the life of being a Mystic. I am not seeking a pat on the back, or an atta-girl. I just want to have a place to tell the story. And if it helps someone along their own path, then so be it. The Universe is actively directing my path. There is NO doubt about that. The evidence is simply overwhelming.

Just wait … I have stories that will raise the hair on your neck and your arms will tingle.