Monday, January 9, 2012

Mystic Tendencies

I grew up in a major Christian religion where what I was, and am still, was vehemently not allowed.

I came to realize at a very early age that there was something a little different about me. I remember thinking that I caused things to happen, and that was somewhere around the age of 8 or 9. It wasn’t until I was in my early teens that I had, as the popular term was, ESP (extra-sensory perception). Now my peers just call me a Seer. Thankfully, the term ESP fell out of popularity.

The trouble was, I thought that my gifts were from the Devil. It had been indoctrinated in me at a very early age that I could not, and should not, be able to tell what was going to happen shortly before it did. But no one could explain to me how I could have a premonition in a so-called sanctuary of God and still be of the Devil.

But then, prudence kept me from even asking that question. I didn’t want to get kicked out on my ass cuz all my friends were part of that organization.

And then life just went on, and I ignored it. I called what I do simple coincidences. I guess I thought that coincidences were just a common occurrence for me. But 20 plus times a day?? I’m not sure how I explained it away. Perhaps it was because I married young and I was a busy girl, and though I didn’t plan on it, I had three small children by the time I was 25. So I became immersed in loving them, raising them, and directing them in the way of the Lord. Yet I could barely deny what I am. At the age of 35, my verbally abusive husband had just about run me into the ground. It was strange, but the more emotional I became, the more my visions increased. I kind of thought I was going crazy. My weight dropped significantly. Within the next two years, I wanted to seek professional help for the both of us. He would have nothing to do with it, stating that it was ME who was the problem. So at 37, I left, with my kids, my cat, my bird, my collections, my clothes and my existance. My kids were 19, almost 17, and 12 years old.

It wasn’t long after that, that I discovered I had had thyroid cancer for a number of years. Thankfully, it was the slowest growing variety, but without getting too detailed, I nearly lost my life… I came THAT close to metastasis. Only after that, did I come to terms with the fact that religion had nothing to do with saving ME from the life circumstances that surrounded me.


Emotional weight loss


Raising my children successfully

So once I shed those ties that bound me, I found that I could fully accept the gifts that the Universe had laid upon me. The first gift, that of being a Seer, grew exponentially after that.

It was ME who saved ME (probably with a little help from the Universe).

My eyes are completely open and clear now. I can thank a couple of very good friends who have steered me along the way. Oddly, I seem to attract people to me, who are like me; when they find me, they support me. And I’ve discovered that I’m not just a Seer, I’m telepathic, I have some latent ability to enter altered states where earthbounds can communicate with me (more on that later), and I have an earthbound that visits me on the property that I live on. Wait till I tell you THAT story.

This blog will be about my metamorphosis into the life of being a Mystic. I am not seeking a pat on the back, or an atta-girl. I just want to have a place to tell the story. And if it helps someone along their own path, then so be it. The Universe is actively directing my path. There is NO doubt about that. The evidence is simply overwhelming.

Just wait … I have stories that will raise the hair on your neck and your arms will tingle.

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