Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mystic Pizza

Don’t laugh. For some reason, the term “pizza” always get the attention of my telepathic brain receptors.

A few years ago, I worked for a major hospital system, serving as an executive assistant on the Executive Team. It was a great job where I learned a lot. I also learned that I am apparently telepathic, but just as much as a sender (sending pictures, ideas, notions) as a receiver (“hearing” others thoughts). Let me share an experience with you. It’s sort of humorous but it was the day that I discovered that I send.

On the right side of that hall, all of the exec assts sat in partitioned cubicles with no doors. We literally could hear each other’s conversations, we could talk to each other over the tops of the cubes, and hear just about everything going on. One day, my sig-o and I were emailing back and forth about what kind of dinner we’d go out and get later that day. Eventually the emails turned towards pizza. It was decided, we’d go out for pizza and beer. Mind you, writing and reading emails is not an audible activity, save for the tapping of the keyboard keys. About 20 minutes into this email conversation, my cube neighbor Glenda pipes up, “Do you smell pizza?” My heart skipped a beat! How did she know? It was 4 in the afternoon and NO ONE would be cooking or warming up lunch. At first, I thought she must have telepathic tendencies. But she’d never done that before during the previous years. After a few months, I discovered that I’m a sender and it wasn’t Glenda's doing. Cool, eh?

I recently started a new job in a tall building in downtown Atlanta. After a couple of months spent getting to know my new teammates, I walked in one morning and starting thinking “pizza.” At some point mid-morning, I decided I was craving it and mentioned to Jeanne that I was going to have to get pizza for lunch cuz I couldn’t stop thinking about it. About an hour later, one of the leaders here mentioned that he’d decided earlier that morning that he was going to treat us all to pizza and charge the expense to one of our clients (a working lunch, that is). Jeanne and I looked at each other and she just knew. She wondered out loud how everyone was having pizza thoughts. I had to tell her what I am, and apparently I picked up on his “pizza” thought as soon as I walked in that morning. She laughed out loud and said that the team would have to watch their thoughts from now on, what with having a telepath in the office. (Wow! A believer! Have I mentioned that I attract people like me, to me?)

The thing that I have a hard time with is random thoughts. I pick up on all sorts of crap. I used to wonder, “Wow, where did that come from?” Now that I get it, I usually brush off a lot of junk as a thought belonging to someone else (“Man that hamburger at lunch gave me heartburn. Not eating there again.”Huh?? Who said that?) . I read books while commuting on the bus to keep my mind busy so I don’t have to “listen” to everyone. It’s kind of a weird existence.

Say, did someone say Pizza????

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