Monday, January 30, 2012

Expanding Your Mind’s Abilities

As I was growing up, I was always taught that one’s natural abilities in regard to the mind were not normal, that they in fact, were of evil nature. It took me years (as you’ve read previously on this blog) for me to come to accept the fact that my mind, can, and will continue to do things that most people’s brains cannot.

I do not understand why uber religious folks can’t accept that the obvious gifts that the Almighty instilled in us are not the only things that the human mind can do. It was when I separated myself from mainstream religion and became a Deist, that I fully “allowed” myself to watch from afar the things I can do (and marvel at them). I will write about Deism later, but until then, you can visit deism dot com to learn more. If religion bothers you, but you still cannot separate yourself from the belief in the Almighty, then you are a Deist. Bet you didn’t know that!

Maybe my experience in self-realization is similar to yours. If so, I’d love to hear from you.

Very early in my life, the life of a small child, I would “see” things happening immediately before they did. It was always simple things like thinking about a song, and then my mom would sing it (which is actually telepathy) or the radio would play it (precog ability). As I aged into my tweens, I thought maybe I was making things happen and hoped that I didn’t make something happen that would be “bad.” By the time I was in my late teens and knew exactly what I was doing, I tried NOT to do it. Let me be the first to tell you, you can’t NOT make your mind work. It does not work that way. However, it does slow the progress of the evolvement of your abilities. After my kids were born as I was in my 20s, I started fully understanding how and why my mind was different.

One thing that stands out in my mind was when I was 28. My youngest child was 3, was well-spoken and quite bright for his age. I’d taken him, his 10 year old half brother and 8 year old half sister to a kids’ movie at the theater. On my way back, I was playing a children’s cassette tape in the tape deck and thinking to myself what to make for dinner (cuz who wants to drag 3 tired kids through a grocery store). It popped into my head that I  had everything at home to make spaghetti. So I thought that this is what I’d make, easy peazy. But just like that, my youngest, my 3 year old piped right up and said out loud, “But Mommy, I don’t like puzz-ketty!” I swear, it happened exactly like that. For a second I thought that I had spoken out loud until my 10 year old said something like, “Why did he say that?” I was dumbfounded. He “heard” me, and even pronounced spaghetti incorrectly. To this day, I don’t know if I “sent” to my child, or if my child is a “reader.” He is 24 now. He’s a very dynamic individual and frankly, I don’t think he’d even acknowledge if he is telepathic.

Another fun example of what a telepathic brain can do is something that happened one day recently at work. I came in and gave my coworker a little beaded angel that I had made for her. She seemed to really like it. As I was talking about how much fun they are to make, I told her how recently my four nieces had visited (all under the age of 14). One day, it was raining so to entertain them, I sat them down at the dining room table and we made beaded dolls from my beaded angel pattern. We had such a GREAT time and I was sitting there in my cubicle reminiscing out loud to my coworker; such a fond memory for me. That was around 11 in the morning. About an hour later, an email popped into my mail box from my nieces. And they attached a picture of them and their beaded dolls! O.M.G.! I know I sent them (unconsciously) my happy memory. They took my memory as an original thought and emailed me their picture. They live 3500 miles away from me. This is the first time I’ve “sent” at such a long distance.

For the last almost 8 years, I’ve been very close to a person. One thing that is consistent with us is that we always share thoughts. How do we know? I’ll say something and he says, “I was just thinking that.” And the vice versa happens too. We often call each other or text each other at the same time. We only live 13 miles from one another. While he is not my first telepathic experience, it’s a very homey and comforting experience to me.

It should never surprise one that gifts of telepathy and precog abilities exist. They are measurable electrical impulses that our brains send. Can we not read electrical brain waves by means of an EEG (electro-encephalogram)? They are real. They exist. Science has proven as much. If our brain is able to send out electrical charges in this way, it should not surprise one that other brains can pick up the charge. Naturally, it happens best when you are surrounded by people with a like mind. Can you imagine what the world would be like if everyone was a believer and we all worked on our internal communication abilities?  The world would certainly be a different place. For sure.

I hope that you’ll be able to allow your mind to expand its abilities. It’s such a rewarding gift.

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