Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Daughter of the Earth

The title “Daughter of the Earth,” has usually been bestowed upon a Native American woman. And I totally agree that Native Americans are closer to the so-called Earth Religions and most of the general population of earth-dwellers.

But in reality, are we all not members of the human family? If they are the Daughters, and I am related by merit of being a fellow earth-dweller, AND I understand the Universe’s influence on the Earth, then I too can consider myself a daughter.

I like this title. For years, I have not cared so much for the influence of mainstream religion on its adherents. Sometimes, they stir up such hatred and their followers jump on board with it, as history has shown. I just don’t understand this mentality. I have read the Christian bible. I see in the Old Testament that there was indeed a lot of racism, intolerance, and hatred. Could that be why “some” that adhere to Christianity allow themselves to act out like this? Even though I believe that Jesus Christ existed, he didn’t teach his people to behave like this (even secular, non-religious writings impress this upon us). So since they choose to misbehave, I choose not to bear their title of Christian. Somehow, they lost track of his message of love and peace. The very definition of “Christian” is to be a follower of Christ. Some of them do not do a very good job. So, for me, I shall be a Daughter of the Earth.

So what does this title mean? It simply means to understand the influence that is held over the Earth, by its mother, the Universe. I’m not talking about the physical influence as defined by teachers and students of Physics. They assume that the expansion of the universe is a given fact, as most scientists do. However, I am talking about things that effect us that are not measurable, things unseen. Things like:

The elements
The spirit
Karma (Christians call this Reaping What You Sow, Grandmother calls it What Goes Around Comes Around)
Reading the electrical impulses radiating off of the brain’s of others in your vicinity
Sending your own thoughts as electrical impulses
Recognizing earthbound entities who have something to do… or say… or don’t want to leave
Knowing what a soul is (you may be surprised cuz I KNOW)
Knowing that coincidences are actually a pretty rare occurrence
Life traveling in circles
Being drawn to a like mind

So you may ask, if I believe that the Universe is Earth’s mother, do I believe it had a father? Indeed I do. Do I believe in the Almighty? Yes. But it is without the influence of man-made religion, so much of it being steeped in falsehoods and strange mythologies. My knowledge of Him is absolute and as the Extreme Deity. Some day, I will write about Deism and what it means.

Once you have done even minor research, you will see that it makes so much sense. It is easy to understand. And it makes it so much easier to be a member of Mankind, with a broader, fuller understanding of your responsibility to be a citizen of Earth.

Me? I am also a Daughter of the Earth.

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