Thursday, January 19, 2012

Life Travels in Circles

The Moon. Energy orbs. Swirly shapes. Circular art. I can’t help it; I’m attracted to things that are circular. I always have been. When I was very young and didn’t understand, as we traveled in the car at night, the moon appeared to me to be following me home. Obviously, at that age, I was completely unaware of the movements of the celestial bodies. But sometimes when you are riding at night, gaze at her. Imagine that she is following you and you will see what I thought. That is where my attraction to round things was realized.

I’ve also noticed that life travels in circles. We frequently find ourselves reminded of something that we don’t actually remember. Or we meet someone that you come to find out has been “with you” all along but you never knew it. For example, my BFF and I have known each other for almost 8 years. Funny thing is that when we started really talking, we found out that 30 years ago, we worked nearly next door to each other but neither lived in that township, drank at the same bar after work, went to the same places, did the same things, and then finally, one day, our circles collided and we met when we were in our 40s. Crazy ain’t it?

I suppose that really shouldn’t be surprising. Isn’t the Universe circular? Our solar system? Our globe? Our moon? Stop and take a moment to look how life is so circular. How many times have you just “run into” someone you’ve not seen for years? Or someone you work with went to the same obscure college that you did but didn’t actually know them (you just recognized them). Yep, they have circled back to you. Or you’re driving along and you see a car you drove as a teenager, STILL GOING, looking a little worse for the wear, but the strange thing is that you sold it on the other side of the state, 8 years ago! Or even perhaps one of your Facebook friends is a friend of someone you went to grade school with on the opposite coast. Really, I could go on and on. I hear stories like this all the time.

It is an interesting phenomenon, one that I don’t totally understand. It’s just something I noticed. Maybe it’s just a little nod from the Universe to let me know she’s there. (c:

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