Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cosmic Nods, aka, "God Winks"

There is a book that a client lent me recently that described so-called God winks. Sometimes the notions that Christians have fascinate me so I read it. I suppose that it really shouldn’t surprise me that they would notice a phenomena that I’ve known about all along.

Have you ever noticed those strange little coincidences that seem to be showing you signs? Have you ever thought of a long-time friend that you’ve not seen in some time and then you run into them, or they email you out of the clear blue sky? Have you ever made a new acquaintance only do discover that their mom’s name is your mom’s name, or you have several kids with the same name, or maybe you even have the same birthday (and they go on to become one of your closest friends)? Have you ever noticed the power of coincidence? Yes, the universe holds many possibilities that we have not even considered yet.

Some of us call this synchronicity. This is not a Christian teaching. I call these coincidences, “Cosmic Nods.” But really, all religions teach so many things that are congruent. For instance, non-Christians like to say Karma is a bitch. And indeed she can be sometimes. Your grandma used to say, “What goes around comes around.” The Christian Bible says, “For whatever it is a man is sowing, he also shall reap.” See? Same thing, just expressed different ways.

I find it fascinating that they also have come to realized that synchronicity exists. By definition, it is: “The simultaneous occurrence of events that appear significantly related but have no discernible causal connection.” Start to pay attention to these coincidences. When they happen, and you recognize it, you can be assured that your consciousness is accepting of the idea that minds relate to each other, and the relation is intricately structured in a very logical way.

Not too long ago, I started a new job well within the city limits of downtown Atlanta. If you know Atlanta, driving here is TOUGH. So I looked into the suburban transit system as an alternative and decided to use it. Now I’ve not taken a bus since I was a kid. When I got on, I was terrified. I sat down next to a gentleman and said hello. Then I took out my bus route map to study it and keep up with my location. He introduced himself and when he said his name is Patrick, my heart nearly STOPPED. Patrick is my BFF’s name too. So I knew, somehow, that my new friend Patrick would be very helpful. Indeed, he asked if this was my first time on the bus, where I worked, and showed me how to tell the driver that I needed to get off at the next stop (PUSH the RED button!). From there, he told me what I needed to do. And how in the world would I have known about the red button if someone hadn’t told me?? There is no directions for riding the bus. Sitting next to him, out of the other potential 50 or so riders, was a great coincidence.

My point? I noticed immediately that hearing “Patrick” come from his mouth was a sign. To this day, we still chat on the bus. He is a good friend.

A popular advertising catch phrase is, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” So true on so many levels. While they are referring to education, I refer you to the fact that our minds are connected. If and when you start to understand that and can use that to your benefit, the Universe will open up other gifts to you. Pay attention to these things. The rewards are huge!

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